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Learning Korean with KDrama (Extraordinary Attoney Woo EP15)

by nunsate 2024. 8. 26.

"Why Young-woo thinks they should break up with Jun-ho"


Young-woo thinks they should break up with Jun-ho because they are not confident in making Jun-ho happy. Young-woo feels that they are too self-centered and might make Jun-ho feel lonely. They don’t know how to fix this, which is why they are not confident in their ability to keep Jun-ho from feeling lonely. Despite liking Jun-ho, they believe they should break up due to their limitations in ensuring his happiness.

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  • 변호사님.
  • 네.
  • 우린 왜 안 되는 거예요.
    Why can't we be together?
  • 도대체 왜 헤어져야 냐구요.
    Why do we have to break up?
  • 그래서 생각해봤는데.
    So, I thought about it.
  • 이유를 모르겠어요.
    I don't know the reason.
  • 제가 이준호 씨를 행복하게 만들어 줄 수 있는 사람인지 모르겠습니다.
    I'm not sure if I'm someone who can make you happy, Junho.
  • 이준호 씨가 보살펴야 하는 사람인 것만 같아요.
    It feels like I'm someone you need to take care of.
  • 저 혹시 누나가 저한테 한 말을 들으신 거예요?
    Did you hear what my sister said to me?
  • 그거 때문이었어요?
    Is that why?
  • 변호사님 저는 요 같이 기만 해도 행복해요.
    Attorney, I'm happy just being with you like this.
  • 제가 행복해지려면 변호사님이 같이 있야 한다구요.
    I need you to be with me for me to be happy.
  • 하지만 저와 함께 있을 때 외로운 적 없었습니까?
    But haven't you ever felt lonely while being with me?
  • 내 안은 나 자신으로 가득 차 있어서 가까이 있는 사람을 외롭게 만듭니다.
    I'm so full of myself inside that I make those close to me feel lonely.
  • 언제 왜 그렇게 만드는 지도 모르고 어떻게 해야 안 그럴 수 있는지도 모릅니다.
    I don't know when or why I do it, and I don't know how to stop.
  • 저는 이준호씨를 좋아하지만, 이준호씨를 외롭지 않게 만들 자신이 없습니다.
    I like you, Junho, but I'm not confident that I can keep you from feeling lonely.
